We need you! This site wouldn't be such a great vray material resource without the help of our community! People from around the world put there knowledge and love into their materials and uploaded them to our site to help and inspire others.
If you want to contribute to this site too just follow these simple steps: Download our Sample scene for Vray and 3DSMax here vray-material.de sample scene
Load the scene and apply your material to the sample object.
Adjust the material if necessary (for lighting and stuff)
Render the image with the preset settings.
Save your render with a suitable name that represents your material (e.g. dark grey concrete, fine red leather, brushed steel)
Save your material as a single library, give it the same name
OR save the max file using the same name
Send everything including all texture files, the sample render image and either the max-file or the .mat library file to this email address: support@vray-materials.de
Vray For Revit Crack 187
Download Zip: https://tatewsosu.blogspot.com/?download=2vKJbG