To be more precise, the obtained collocation solutions to thesystem of ordinary differential equations (11-14). Thus we used afinite difference code that construct a collocation formula and thecollocation polynomial gives a continuous solution in the domain[36]. The Iterative method is used to solve the linearized nonlinearalgebraic equations, so this method relies upon Matlab solver ofthe linear equation. The choice of max η =1 guaranteed that allnumerical solutions approached the asymptotic values correctly,although the finite choice of max η will be not fully responsiblefor minimized order of accuracy, such as Kuznetsov & Nield [37]& Sohail et al. [39] compared their results for the special case ofa regular fluid with their numerical results obtained by keepingmax η =10 , and ignored the error generated by limiting the domain,in a similar manner, we will ignore that error.
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